There is a Good Reason for Everything

[18:78] He said, “Now we have to part company. But I will explain to you everything you could not stand.
[18:79] “As for the ship, it belonged to poor fishermen, and I wanted to render it defective. There was a king coming after them, who was confiscating every ship, forcibly.
[18:80] “As for the boy, his parents were good believers, and we saw that he was going to burden them with his transgression and disbelief.*
*18:80 Adolf Hitler was a cute and seemingly innocent child. Had he died as a child, many would have grieved, and many would have even questioned God’s wisdom. We learn from these profound lessons that there is a good reason behind everything. 

[18:81] “We willed that your Lord substitute in his place another son; one who is better in righteousness and kindness.
[18:82] “As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city. Under it, there was a treasure that belonged to them. Because their father was a righteous man, your Lord wanted them to grow up and attain full strength, then extract their treasure. Such is mercy from your Lord. I did none of that of my own volition. This is the explanation of the things you could not stand.” 

18:79 example of property rights being trampled upon

18:82 shows that God provides and takes care of our children

18:80 and 18:82 Moses’s teacher states “we saw” and “We willed” this shows that he was most likely an angel in human form. Additionally, God would never advocate killing,

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